
Youtube @piroska markus

Sunrise and sunset in Mexico

These are bus-window pictures. I took the photos in Mexico in 2020, when for a few months I had the privilege of living in the beautiful city of San Cristóbal de las Casas, 2200 meter above sea level. Every Saturday I took the local bus down to Tuxtla (the capital of Chiapas) where I was teaching English in a Library. Tuxtla is only 520 meter above sea level, meaning the bus was descending 1700 meters - in about 45 minutes. The landscape was mesmerising. Sometimes I could see the clouds from above. In February the temperature was about 20 degrees in San Christóbal, while in Tuxtla it was above 40 degrees, so I went from Spring to Summer, in less then an hour. Some of the photos were taken during these journeys. Others were taken during a trip to Northern Chiapas, where I visited ruins of a Maya town in the jungle. This is the first of several films I am planning to make about magic Mexico. To watch it on YouTube, where you can comment too:


I was studying and living in Guatemala for a few months in 2019, in the most beautiful city of Antigua. One day I was walking around the city when I heard some music, started to walk towards it, and found this religious procession. Many of the participants were filming it, so I thought they may not mind it if I filmed it too. I have never seen a similar procession before, people competing for the chance to carry the heavy weight of their devotion. It started to rain, and Jesus and Mary we all wrapped up in plastic, to protect them from the elements, but people were not worried about themselves. The procession was continuing for hours into the evening. In contrast to the suffering of those carrying the weight, a few older women were joyfully dancing through the whole time (you can see them at the beginning and at the end of the video). To watch it on YouTube, where you can comment to: